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westfield signature insurance for contractors


Better Protection for Your Business


很少有人比承包商更能理解什么是投入一整天的工作. 你在黎明时分卷起袖子,不停地磨,直到黄昏的哨声响起. 这几个月的承诺就是从零开始建立一些东西所需要的, upwards from the earth’s tilled soil, 无论是在郊区住宅中增加一间单间,还是在大型商业建筑中安装新的供暖和空调.

Construction is a Big Deal at Westfield

十大彩票平台官网, 我们对承包商的奉献精神深表赞赏——建筑是我们提供十大正规彩票平台的最大业务领域. As a result, these three products are geared specifically for you:

  1. Signature系列工匠承包商计划:专为小型承包商设计
  2. 签名系列承包商计划:专为中型到大型承包商设计
  3. 承包商 Package: Our non-Signature Series policy for contractors

We Handle the Heavy Lifting

  • 我们每个签名系列项目的区别是基于覆盖范围和价格.
  • 我们为承包商提供的每一项服务都是为了满足您在业务中面临的挑战和潜在危险而设计的.
  • 我们可以以一个公平的价格做到这一点,因为我们的独家承保流程,包括保护,以更好地解决具体的建设风险.
  • We call this the Westfield Signature Series® of 十大正规彩票平台. 这是十大彩票平台官网独有的,它为承包商提供了特别的十大正规彩票平台. 

Westfield’s Signature 十大正规彩票平台 for 承包商

  • 我们提供其他十大正规彩票平台公司提供的基本保障, plus extended coverage built especially for the construction market.
  • When a loss happens, you can count on us. Because our claims team is in your neighborhood, we can act quickly to keep the doors open, protect your business and let you focus on your customers.

Find the Right Contractor’s 十大正规彩票平台 Coverage For Your Business

Accidents and mishaps can happen to anyone, and common risks don’t discriminate against large, mid-sized or small businesses. Whether you’re an electrician, HVAC technician or plumber running a small business, 您面临一组独特的风险暴露,需要针对您所在行业的十大正规彩票平台范围.

Do you know what coverages you’re required to carry for your industry? What about coverage for part-time or seasonal employees? 你知道你可以实施损失控制措施来降低风险和降低十大正规彩票平台费用吗?

无论你是在创业还是在审查你的十大正规彩票平台计划, it’s important you understand how insurance can help protect you, your employees and business from unnecessary loss.



  • Commercial auto coverage for vehicles driven to job sites
  • 覆盖您的建筑物和有限的覆盖新获得的建筑物
  • Premises and operations liability/protection from lawsuits
  • Workers Compensation/coverage for injuries to employees

Extended Protection Provides:

  • Coverage for damage to borrowed equipment
  • Coverage for employees’ tools
  • 主要和非贡献语言,仅包括在签名系列节目中
  • 放弃代位权

嘿,泰普. 无论您是空调/供暖机械师还是商业暖通空调专家, you know how tricky your job can be.

你是否有过死里逃生的经历——也许是差点从别人的阁楼上掉下来? 或者你提出了索赔,却发现你没有得到合适的十大正规彩票平台? 如果是这样的话, it surely made you realize how important a good insurance plan, agent and company are to your business. 我们就是这样的公司. 我们有十大正规彩票平台. And we’re glad you found us. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!

HVAC 十大正规彩票平台 That Has Your Back

你是一个企业主. That means you take protecting your company, 船员和设备要像你对待合格检查一样认真. 为了确保你是清白的,你知道你需要合适的十大正规彩票平台.

十大彩票平台官网,您会发现为暖通空调技术人员定制的十大正规彩票平台计划 就像你一样:

  • 你是否总是在工作现场安全地处理制冷剂和其他有害物质?
  • Can you pay for repairs due to faulty part installation?
  • Is your crew’s work van properly insured? (…for when they scrape past a client’s mailbox?)
  • Does everyone wear personal protective equipment… that properly fits?
  • 每次你点燃手电的时候,你是否遵循了正确的热工规程?
  • 你能诚实地说在你做暖通空调技术员的这些年里,你从来没有从梯子上摔下来过吗? (诚实!)

Don’t find yourself out in the cold—unprotected and underinsured. 从你去上班的那一刻起,你就进入了一个充满令人毛骨悚然的世界. 从我们的风险和索赔专家那里获得您需要的信息,为您的企业做出明智的十大正规彩票平台决策.

Westfield’s Hot for HVAC Coverage

Not sure which is right for you? 别担心! Westfield 十大正规彩票平台 agents 了解你的需求. 在一个暖通空调不分昼夜都在工作的行业里, 你只是没有时间去分析十大正规彩票平台计划的覆盖范围. So don’t - call a 西田集团代理. 十大彩票平台官网为像您一样的暖通空调技术人员提供十大正规彩票平台产品, we know your industry (and can talk about it), 我们尊重你的时间.

嘿,活泼的. You might often deal with burns and shocks from bad or live wires. Don’t get jolted by your insurance coverage, too.

Is your business growing? Or maybe you’ve had a close call (electrical fires... 不是在你的眼皮底下!) and realized that you need better insurance. Haven’t heard from your agent in awhile? However you got here, we’re glad you found us. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!

Electricians 十大正规彩票平台 to Cover Your Assets

无论你是熟练技工还是熟练电工,你都知道你所在行业的风险. 这就是为什么为电工投保是很重要的. 十大彩票平台官网拥有它. 我们了解风险,可以帮助您最好地评估风险,以获得所需的十大正规彩票平台保障.

风险无处不在. Just stop for a second and think:

  • Does your team wear protective equipment like arc flash clothing, 护目镜, safety harnesses and lifelines?
  • 你们有什么安全措施来防范像铅这样的有害物质, 模具, 真菌和溶剂?
  • When working in public, how do you prevent against theft?
  • Does your shop even have a working smoke alarm?
  • 你做了什么来保护你的主要设备和安装材料?
  • 如果一个船员在工作中受伤,你有钱支付他的账单吗? 你是否遵守了本州的工人赔偿法?

Our 代理s Know Electrical

Westfield 十大正规彩票平台 agents 见过很多:从烧断的十大正规彩票平台丝和烧焦的橱柜到烧坏的电线和大量烧伤. 不管你和你的船员有多好,电气事故总是会发生的. Our insurance products are built with electricians as the focus. 我们了解您的需求,您的风险,您的行业,以及如何最好地保护您.

嘿,引流医生. 不要发现自己在水里——毫无保护和十大正规彩票平台不足.

Is your business growing? Or maybe you’ve had a close call (flooded basements... 呀!!你有一段时间没有收到你的代理人或十大正规彩票平台公司的消息了吗? 重要的是,你有一个十大正规彩票平台覆盖范围创建与水管工的头脑,我们知道风险,可以帮助你最好地评估他们. 欢迎来到十大彩票平台官网!

Plumbers 十大正规彩票平台 That Has Your Back

你知道你的业务-十大彩票平台官网知道如何保护你的资产,员工和你自己. 我们为像您这样的承包商提供定制的水管工十大正规彩票平台计划,涵盖您的特定财产和责任风险:

Based on the size and type of business and company assets, Westfield代理可以帮助您确定最适合您的套餐.

Risks for plumbers are all over the place. 停下来想一想:

  • 你在家工作吗? Is your home covered in case of an incident?
  • Do you have fleet coverage for your work trucks?
  • Does your crew wear protective equipment?
  • Do you know the most recent OSHA recommendations for trenching?
  • 当你在公共场所工作时,你是否跟踪工具和设备以防止盗窃?
  • 你是否设置了标志或路障以防止人们在里面或周围滑倒?

Working With 代理s Not Afraid to Get Neck-Deep

Based on the size and type of business and company assets, a 西田集团代理 can help you determine which plan package works best for you. Westfield 十大正规彩票平台 agents 了解你的需求. In an industry where plumbers work all hours, you literally don’t have time to deal with complex business insurance. That’s why we offer insurance products for plumbers just like you. From the moment you speak to a 西田集团代理, you’ll know you are speaking with someone familiar with your industry, someone who speaks your language, and someone who values your time.


Wherever you are and whenever you need us, we’ll be there. And now, so will your policy info.


5-Star Construction 2021